Pain Free from Vertebrae Injury in the Middle Back After 3 Weeks of B3!

Pain Free from Vertebrae Injury in the Middle Back After 3 Weeks of B3!

I had a vertebrae injury in the middle back. Simone immediately found at dysfunction between scar tissue in front of my abdominals and the glute not firing and needless to say within three weeks I was pain-free and started training.

With that every time, obviously injuries came up again continued seeing Simone and injuries disappeared.

And hence why I started doing the activation course first and it is three years down the line and many courses later and now I found a big benefit in combining B3 with doing Pilates or teaching Pilates.

I am getting to the goals a bit quicker a bit easier and a bit better and clients understanding better if I combine B3 

It is an everyday occurrence now, B3 is incorporated in daily life for myself and for my clients.

I will recommend B3 for anyone struggling with any inflammation problems any injury whether small or big.

I think we are prone to think the bigger picture instead of bringing it back to basics, and that is exactly what B3 does it brings everybody back to connecting brain to body and we need to do that more


Jahne Maree, Basi Pilates Instructor, Cape Town - South Africa

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