B3 Academy
Increasing demand for and interest in the B3 technique led to the establishment of the B3 Academy in 2011. Today, our workshops and courses teach the fundamentals of myofascial release and introduce students to the B3 technique.
Although ideal for pilates instructors, physiotherapists and personal trainers wanting to expand their expertise, the Academy is also open to anyone who is interested in human anatomy and practicing body stress release in a private capacity.
B3 Academy has instructed students in South Africa, Germany, Great Britain and South East Asia.
B3 Explained
What is B3?
Brain.Body.Balance. (B3) is a bodywork technique.
It gently stimulates proprioceptors in the soft-tissue (muscle, fascia & tendons) of the body to relay neurological signals and reflex impulses to the brain.
The technique may be effective in correcting neurological and myofascial imbalances triggered by injuries, postural problems or body stress.
Regular B3 application may assist in improving overall posture, connective tissue and muscle tone in order to bring about greater ease of movement, less discomfort or pain, and a higher level of energy in daily activity.
Why B3?
The aim of B3 is to activate and reset neuromuscular communication; to restore brain-body feedback.
We do this by applying techniques that stimulate neurologically-driven functions.
When this instinctive feedback mechanism is restored, the body can self-regulate (heal itself), re-set muscle spasm and tension, restore joints, improve movement and release pain and stress.
Challenging Beliefs
B3 aims to challenge your beliefs and inspire you to expand your learning and knowledge so that you can increase the potential outcomes and effectiveness of your wellness sessions with your clients.
Instead of learning more of what you already know... we aim to open up your perception to the field of functional neurology and practically apply skills to see what can still be done outside of your existing skill set.
The Biology of Belief
Our environment influences our system as a whole and that includes biomechanics, neurology, mental state and environmental factors.
We have been working and learning in the exercise and health industry for over 20 years and have moved through several paradigm shifts, which were all perceived as truth and effective until we challenged the belief and shifted the paradigm.
Simone Sittig, B3 technique developer, trained as a Biokineticist, strength and conditioning coach, studied medical honours in exercise science and Biokinetics to prescribe corrective exercise, learned functional biomechanics, myofascial trains with Thomas Myers, then delved deep into functional neurology and neuromuscular therapies, and now she is working with bio resonance and the influence of electromagnetic frequencies in quantum physics.
If a client came to us 15 years ago with a painful shoulder, we may have believed that weakness in the shoulder muscles were causing the pain and prescribed strengthening exercises. If we were working with a biomechanical mindset, we would have suggested mobilising the thoracic spine as well as stabilising the scapular system.
If someone presents to us today with a sore shoulder, we first explore the 'why'. We assess their own bodies neural intelligence and discover the answers through a series of neuromuscular tests or may even go as deep as bio resonance or energy medicine testing.
B3 uses a system that challenges the client’s body in order to provide us with the answer as to why pain is present in the body. There are many reasons why the body is sending out a pain signal, why muscles are inhibited or in spasm. The B3 protocol identifies the sensory input issue (body to brain) and then corrects the motor output (brain to body).
Luciana Pierangeli, P.S. ME (Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional) framework developer, trained as an executive wellness coach, specialised in helping people become their healthiest self, implements her framework within the B3 Life side of the B3 Academy.
Luciana is a multifaceted individual; logical, athletic, and a curious entrepreneur.
Her framework is implemented, amongst other modalities, through B3 (Physical), Reiki and Bio resonance (Spiritual), Psych-K (Mental), process that allows you to transform your limiting beliefs stored in your Subconscious Mind, and coaching to manage our emotions (Emotional).
We have understood that a healthful lifestyle (peak health and performance) is much more than only diet and exercise.
Our bodies are currently a result of our entire life’s thoughts, habits, and the way we process / hold our emotions. The great news is, that as soon as we change those patterns, our body will adapt immediately. This is why she built the four pillars P.S. ME framework to feel vibrant and in love with ourselves in every aspect of our lives.
“If you give a hungry man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime” Lao Tsu
Our mission is to help you help yourself and your clients, live free of pain and tension by making your own health a priority, through education and application, through self accountability, one transformation at a time.
We are also always aware that solutions might exist outside of our current paradigm and models of belief. We are open to receiving answers from the clients body intelligence.
Expanding Principles
The brain and central nervous system acts as a central governor through which all information is processed, received, interpreted and sent out.
Our physiology is uniquely integrated. We have an immune system, a gastrointestinal system known as the gut-brain, a myofascial system conducting lymph and electromagnetics and the environment and surroundings in which our bodies are in, has a huge impact on the functional health of our systems. They all function in an integrative manner within this environment. Always remember there is more to consider when working with a client on a physical level.
Enhance Your Skill Set
Increase your knowledge of neuroanatomy. Learn functional neurology muscle testing. This is a must-have skill set for any health and wellness practitioner be it a Chiropractor, Biokineticist, Pilates instructor or Personal Trainer, Nurse, amongst others.
Practice and persistence imprints healthy movement. The law of neurology is: what we fire we wire. So repeatedly practicing a skill or movement makes us better at it and ultimately our perception changes.
B3 may initially be a new language for you and it may change some beliefs.
Trust the body biofeedback
We use a system of functional neurology manual muscle testing and touch (sensory input) to ask the body where it's dysfunction is and where the pain is stemming from.
Based on that information we can provide sensory stimulation and movement recommendations to trigger an improved functional response of the body. This system will help you communicate with the 86 billion neural pathways and intelligence of the body to find solutions that many modern practices might have missed.
Share Knowledge. Apply it Practically.
You will help many clients and solve a fortune of pain problems but keep in mind that your knowledge is one access point into a system that is multi dimensional. So practice gratitude and humility in every interaction.
We recommend the fundamentals training as it gives the practitioner an introduction to our protocols, the neuromuscular system and how we influence it. You learn the application of neurological based exercises, new assessment methods and you get to understand manual muscle testing as it offers a huge aspect of information to be gathered from your clients nervous system.
Become an expert in pain relief and the function of the neuromuscular and myofascial system.
B3 guides you through an easy to follow, systemic approach to motor testing and effective interventions for solving pain and dysfunctions identified through muscle testing.
Simone's Story
Simone’s story
I studied a medical honours degree in Biokinetics and Exercise Science, applying the focus of rehabilitating the body through movement and exercise. While the results were remarkable I sensed there was a missing link. Having had my own sports injuries from sports such as swimming, rowing and volleyball at university level, I discovered an alternative South African bodywork technique called ‘Integrated Bodywork’ which I learned under a sensational healer, Victor Lois. This technique showed me that releasing tension from the body inspires movement and eases pain. I fused my knowledge as a movement therapist with release techniques and the results were magical.
A scientist at heart, I wanted to understand the effects and explain the ‘wows’. As an honours student at the University of Cape Town, I had the privilege of learning from the honourable Professor Tim Noakes, who ignited my curiosity for Neurophysiology. He proposed a theory that the brain acts as a central governor in exercise and regulates fatigue as well as the sensation/emotion of pain. My explorations led me to integrate the regulatory systems of the brain with the function and pain responses of the body to develop a technique called Brain.Body.Balance. This technique uniquely assesses neurological function of the body and inspires the body to stimulate it’s own healing processes by either activating a movement pattern, or releasing a blockage in the fascia through gentle sensory input into the affected area. The body heals instantly, repeatedly, once communication is restored between the brain, as the output regulator and the body, giving feedback to the brain.
The state of a muscles function can be effectively assessed through palpation and manual muscle testing. While we are drawn towards expensive scans to assess the state of our bodies and the cause of pain, the effectiveness and accuracy of manual assessment techniques is often overlooked. Palpation of muscle tonus has given me more accurate information of the cause and origin of an injury as well as the state of function, than any scan has, needless to say that it is much less expensive.
I learned a highly practical and accurate manual muscle testing protocol from David Weinstocks Neurokinetic Therapy courses. His protocol gives neurological insight into muscle dysfunction and identifies specifically which muscles need release and which need activation according to the motor control theory of the brain. Thomas Myers seminars taught me how the myofascial web interconnects our bodies. I recommend his book to every person who works with human body and function.
The Brain.Body.Balance technique combines the most effective bodywork techniques that I have discovered, trialed and tested over 17 years of private practice and working with professional sports teams.
I invite you on a journey of discovery and belief of how the body heals. Instantly. Repeatedly.
My goal is to inspire you to expand your learning and knowledge so that you can increase the potential outcomes and effectiveness of your sessions with your clients.
Instead of learning more of what you already know, I aim to open up your perception to the field of functional neurology.
I am passionate about sharing knowledge and success in neuromuscular bodywork techniques that I have mastered throughout my career.
I work with elite Beach Volleyball teams, including Olympic Gold medalist Laura Ludwig, and Czech pro volleyballer Marketa Slukova. The neuromuscular techniques applied to athletes work to maximise muscle contractility and identify neuromuscular dysfunction as a cause of pain and imbalance.
BSc Med Hons. Biokinetics & Exercise Science
BCom Sports Management
Anatomy Trains 1 & 2
Anatomy Trains Kinesis
Equilibrium Pilates Mat Foundation and Breathing
Neurokinetic Therapy Level 1
Sports Massage
Who are we?
Meet your B3 facilitators