By using the Muscle Activation Knowledge from the Workshop, I was able to Help my Client

By using the Muscle Activation Knowledge from the Workshop, I was able to Help my Client

I attended a most exceptional Muscle Activation Workshop, presented by Simone sittig. An incredible protocol to be able to use.

Today a client of mine called me, saying that she had slipped and fallen on her back, hitting her head on her kitchen tiles. She was unable to move, but by using the muscle activation knowledge from the workshop, I was able to guide and help her telephonically as she worked on her own jaw and psoas muscle activation points. Within a few minutes, she was able to move again and could get up and down out of a chair.

Thank you so much to you Simone and the power of B3.

 Tanis March, Basi Comprehensive Pilates Instructor, South Africa

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