Welcome to B3 Academy

We are an education provider to the health, wellness and fitness industry. We aim to share knowledge to evolve perception and increase awareness of the cause of pain and dysfunction. B3 workshops and courses teach both fundamental and advanced myofascial release and neuromuscular techniques to students across the world.

"There are things known, and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.” - Aldous Huxley

Upcoming Live Events

If you have already completed a course and are ready to join a live workshop, or if you prefer to learn with us in person, book an upcoming Live Event.

B3 Life

B3 Life was created from the sentiment that a healthful lifestyle (peak health and performance) is much more than only diet and exercise.

Our bodies - as they are in this very moment - are a result of our entire life’s thoughts, habits, and the way we process / hold our emotions.

Within the B3 Life space, we offer our P.S. ME framework (Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional) to help clients who want to feel vibrant and in love with every aspect of their lives.

P.S. ME is implemented, amongst other modalities, through B3 bodywork (Physical), Reiki and Bioresonance (Spiritual), and Psych-K (Mental) processes that allow you to transform limiting beliefs stored in your Subconscious Mind, and coaching you to manage emotions (Emotional). More Programs

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